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Exit Interviews – Why Bother?

If as a business, you struggle with a high staff turnover and are wondering why, then you should conduct an exit survey or exit interview.  After a few of these a pattern should begin to emerge that will highlight where you may need to make some changes in the workplace.

Once you receive notice that a staff member is going to resign, either invite them to an exit interview or post them out an exit survey to complete.

Questions will begin with asking them the reason for joining your company in the first place and what were their expectations on joining and how far these have been met.   You can go on to ask how they feel about training, development or progression opportunities within the company and ask them to provide details of some of the highlights of working for your company.

You can then proceed to ask whether there was a specific problem or incident that prompted them to start looking for other employment or whether there were ongoing issues that contributed to their decision to resign and what attracted them to their new position.  Following on from this you ask them to evaluate various aspects of their job with specific questions on work life balance, remuneration, training, line management, health and wellbeing and so on.

If you would like to give this a go contact us HERE and receive your FREE EXIT SURVEY TEMPLATE that is ready to use.