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Are You & Your Employees on the Same Page?

Are You & Your Employees on the Same Page? Company culture is an important starting point for your business- and one that can mean the difference between success and failure. At best, poor culture can result in missed opportunities and staff pulling in different directions.  At worst, poor culture can result in complex and expensive […]

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Harris Law Express

Your HR and Employment Law Support on demand Fixed fee quotations given for services to be used as and when required. If you require ad-hoc advice from an employment lawyer and HR professional and require support with a specific project then this service is perfect for you. You will have access to a fully qualified […]

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Does Your Business Need a Staff Handbook?

Does Your Business Need a Staff Handbook? A staff handbook serves many purposes – yet surprisingly, many businesses still choose to operate without one. However, most HR professionals recommend that you provide every member of staff with a copy, as it ensures employees are familiar with all company policies and procedures. In this article, you’ll […]

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HR and Employment Law

Outsource your HR and Employment Law – receive our expert advice and support as and when you need it. We offer HR advice and support as a part of our employment law services and you can choose either a retained service with Harris Law Lite or Harris Law Complete or, if you prefer, we can […]

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